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Becoming the Galactic Heart!


The center of earth’s galaxy is the Heart of our Mother.

She is ever feeding her children the stars,

pulsating throbbing pounding,

emitting Her waves, radiant energies to alter

enhance expand evolve Her star children,

countless effulgent lights spiraling in Her arms,

tending, nourishing expanding us.


The Sun is but one of Her children.

The center of earth’s solar system,

our Sun is small star on Her periphery.

He is the Gate Keeper.


In harmony with the Cycles of Time,

at times he protects us from Her emissions,

her waves of Love are too much for us.

When we are ready, prepared, in need,

he opens up and lets Her in. Now.


Her Love comes from Her Heart, the Center.

Our Mother’s Love is Creative Power,

Shakti, Prana, Prakasha, and Grace,

unparalleled, incomparable to any.

She is the Oneness manifested, magnificence

as the creative force of Maya, the Divine Matrix.


The awesome ineluctable power of Her Love

is moving out from Her Heart in the Galactic Center.

Our Mother is here now, approaching, close,

in waves of cosmic and gamma rays,

space dust fluff clouds ribbons zap!

permeating, seeping, rushing, crashing  

into our small solar system,

one of her gems.


Our Heliosphere is becoming immersed in, filled,

inundated with Her Primordial Shakti-Power.

As Shakti, Prana, Prakasha, she comes

to restore the Sun, heal the earth,

in periodic renewal.

Our galaxy is the Oneness manifesting.

She is moving on …


In the core of earth’s galaxy is our Mother.

She created emitted formed everything,

every star, planet, body, tree and bird.

She is existing in every breath and tear,

in fields, darkness and light, music.

Cosmic and gamma rays are her instruments.


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Be not afraid. This time is good.

This time is wonderful, superb.

Open your Heart and Being to Her,

the Mother of the Universe.

We are the Witness

of Cosmic Renewal.

To be here now aware,

and conscious is an honor,

a gift.


This is the Oneness playing,

our incredible blessing.

Creation is moving on.

Forever evolving up

the unending Spiral.


I am That.

We all are That.

Our Heart is in Her, the Mother of All.

The Galactic Center lives in my Heart,

in all Hearts, in yours!



V. Susan Ferguson

June 2012








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